Look for Mold Damage in These 3 Hidden Places in Your Bethlehem Home
10/6/2017 (Permalink)

Regularly Checking Your Home for Mold Can Prevent Further Damage
Mold damage is the bane of all householders. The fungi are present in most homes which makes it impossible to eradicate. Often mold appears to have vanished when in fact it has merely gone dormant, ready to resurface once more as soon as it has moisture and enough organic material to grow. Bethlehem homeowners are most likely aware of the typical places mold likes to grow, including damp areas such as bathrooms or laundry rooms, or cold, wet places like basements or porches. The telltale black or green patches alert you to the fact that the spores have taken up residence in your house.
Mold damage in your Bethlehem home gets worse when it is left unchecked. Colonies release new spores which travel to other areas of your house – they travel through the air, or even on your clothes or boots, or household pets. Keeping on top of the mold is important to stop it from spreading, which is why SERVPRO recommends you check out these three unexpected places spores settle in your home.
1. Air Conditioners Air conditioners are the perfect breeding ground for mold because they draw in moisture, which the fungus needs to grow, and pollen, which makes an ideal meal. Check your AC unit regularly for signs of growth and call in SERVPRO at once at the first sign of a problem. Our IICRC-certified technicians have specialist equipment and tools to clean even hard to reach nooks and crannies.
2. Dishes After you wash your dishes, you think of them as clean – and that is a good thing! However, dirty dishes are an ideal breeding ground for mold. Stacks of dirty, damp dishes provide both the moisture and the food source fungus needs to grow. Prevent mold growing on your crockery by running it under a tap immediately after your meal. Do not leave dirty dishes standing around, and always dry plates and bowls completely before storing.
3. Window Seals Window ledges and surrounds typically collect dust and dirt, which provide a food source for fungus. Add condensation or even leaks from rainfall, and you have an ideal breeding ground for mold. Keep window surrounds clean and dry at all times. Invest in a dehumidifier to reduce humidity, and replace worn window seals.
Our IICRC-certified technicians are ready to help with mold remediation. We clean and scrub visible mold, vent contaminated air from your home, and reduce humidity to discourage regrowth.
For help with fungus in Taylorsville, Kings Creek, Sawmills and surrounding areas, call SERVPRO of Alexander & Caldwell Counties at (828) 396-1070 for assistance today.
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